Volunteer at Armstrong
Why We
Not only is volunteering a wonderful way to meet new friends, see your children, and engage with the school community, but also our volunteered hours and talents save the school hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Armstrong needs you! There are many opportunities to volunteer on-campus AND off-campus. We also have volunteer opportunities that have ongoing shifts or one-time opportunities.
Recurring Volunteer Opportunities:
One of our greatest needs is for cafeteria volunteers. The Armstrong PTA has funded and operated the cafeteria since 1921. Volunteering replaces the need for several full-time staff and therefore save the district hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. In addition, it is also one of the most fun ways to engage with other parents and see the smiles light up your children's faces when they see you helping in their school!
Please join our long standing tradition of cafeteria volunteer service by volunteering as a server or cashier in the cafeteria! We expect every family to volunteer in the cafeteria at least once a month. Check the CAFETERIA page to learn more and sign up to Volunteer.
Alice's Garden
Come garden with the kids in Armstrong's Alice's Garden! Alice's Garden was established in 2013 as the first garden program in HPISD and is named for the woman who donated the land for our school: Mrs. John S. (Alice) Armstrong. Our Master Gardeners, Caroline Trotman and Jana
Beth Eidson, develop age-appropriate lesson plans from Junior Master Gardener material helping the children grow edible crops, and teaching a curriculum including life science studies, measurement lessons in math and numerous writing experiences. Maintaining our garden will build community, collaboration, responsibility, and school pride. Volunteers play a big role in the success of our garden program! We request one parent from each class attend the volunteer shift. The shift is 1.5 -2 hours, and the commitment is for the entire shift; not just the 30 minutes during which your child is in the garden. CLICK HERE to Volunteer in the Garden. Questions? Contact Candace Hines, Garden Volunteer Coordinator.
​​​Teacher Workroom
Serve a two hour shift once a month in the teacher workroom to help teachers make copies, staple, cut out bulletin board images, make flashcards, laminate, and several other helpful projects.​​ Teacher workroom volunteers allow teachers and instructional aides to spend their time on what is most important: preparing, teaching and interacting with our children.
CLICK HERE to Volunteer in the Teacher Workroom. Questions? Contact Julia Voliva and Ashley Smetko, Teacher Workroom Chairs.
Classroom Volunteer Opportunities:
For each classroom, there are two room parents. They serve as liaisons between the teacher and classroom parents. If you are interested in being a Room Parent, look for the sign-up form in BSSU or contact the Room Parent Coordinator. Spend time in your student's classroom interacting with their teacher and friends! Volunteer opportunities include coordinating class parties, parent reader, and more. Click Here to check for opportunities in specific classes. ​
Event Volunteer Opportunities: Carnival, Field Day, Auction, Bike Rodeo, and more! Coordinated by Event Chair(s). Check the EVENTS page to sign up.​
Armstrong is using a NEW web-based volunteer scheduling program—Signup.com. This easy-to-use program makes creating, signing up, and managing school volunteer opportunities easier and more convenient for everyone! Signup.com replaces Volunteer Scheduler Pro (VSP).
Volunteers will NOT be required to create an account to sign up for and manage a shift. Volunteers will be notified and can sign up for shifts by accessing Armstrong's Signup.com page: www.signup.com/go/armstrongpta
Accessing Volunteer Shifts You’ve Signed Up for:
Go to www.signup.com/Find-My-Signup and enter your email address or register with www.signup.com to access all your current activities.
Text Reminders:
Be sure to click “Get Text Reminders” when you sign up for a new activity in order to get text reminders of your volunteer shifts.
Questions: volunteer@armstrongpta.org