Armstrong Reads

On March 19th our annual read-a-thon, Armstrong Reads, will kick-off. This is such an important fundraiser for a couple of reasons: it helps instill a love of reading in our students and 100% of its proceeds go directly to our amazing Armstrong teachers and staff. During Armstrong Reads students will be asked to track their reading minutes, raise funds for reading and win some pretty great prizes by doing so. Armstrong students read over 140,000 minutes during our campaign last year, and we are excited to top that record with this year's campaign!!
We have family and business sponsorship opportunities still available!
Funds raised by our readers are one key to our successful campaign, but we also have family and business sponsorship opportunities. In sponsoring, your name or logo will be included on all print, digital and social media – and you will be helping us raise funds and excitement for a great cause! We are looking for sponsors for the following:
Monetary donations of $1,000+
In Kind donation of a minimum of 50 prizes (for the kiddos)
If you, or someone you are close to, is interested, please contact our Armstrong Reads Chair Lindsey Williamson at Lindseypwilliamson@gmail.com. The involvement of our incredible families is part of what makes our school so special, and we are so grateful for your support in making Armstrong Reads successful again this year!
Note: Monetary sponsorship will count towards your child/children fundraising totals as well.
Click to download Brochure
Questions about Armstrong Reads? Contact Blair Lindsey, Lindsey Williamson, Michelle Joyner, Armstrong Reads Co-Chairs.
Goals of Armstrong Reads
Each student’s goal:
1. Raise at least $250 to reach our $75,000 fundraising goal
2. Read 30 minutes per day or more to earn amazing prizes!
All funds raised support teachers & staff!
Step 1: Register your student
Go to www.pledgestar.com/armstrongread or scan here
Sign up by March 19th for the 2025 Armstrong Reads Brag Tag Keychain
Step 2: Ask for donations
Log in to PledgeStar to enter family & friends’ names and email addresses
PledgeStar will send donation requests to each email you submit
Donations are tax-deductible and benefit teachers and staff at Armstrong!
All donations are due by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, April 2nd
Step 3: Read at home
Each student should aim to read at least 420 minutes at home (280 for Pre K)
That’s just 30 minutes a day or 20 for Pre K!
Read more than 30 minutes a day (25 min for Pre K) and be honored as a Treasure Hunter Reader...see below
All reading outside of school counts! A parent or sibling can read to our youngest Eagle readers, look at picture books, or listen to a book
Step 4: Track your reading in Pledgestar
Each student should keep track of the minutes they read at home
Parents should record their student’s reading minutes online at www.pledgestar.com/armstrongread
Minutes must be recorded online by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, April 2nd
Register &
Record Here
Prizes for reading:
​Treasure Hunter Reader
All readers achieving Treasure Hunter status receive:
Name on the Treasure Hunter Reader’s wall in the Library
Clip On Book Light
Beyond the Sea Reader
The 8 students from each grade who read the
most minutes will ADDITIONALLY receive:
Name & Photo on beyond the sea Reader’s wall in the Library
A Cookie coupon from Pokey O’s
A Chick-fil-A lunch or dinner entree gift card
A $15 KidBiz gift card
Sailing Master Reader
The student from each grade who reads the
most minutes will ADDITIONALLY receive:
$80 to Not Just Soccer plus
a Kindle Kids Paper White (K-4th) or
A Tonie Box (Pre K)
Captain Reader
The TOP 2 readers at Armstrong will ADDITIONALLY receive:
A semester of open cheer at Mustang Cheer
or two months of chess at The Knight School,
and enjoy lunch with Principal Cummins
Legendary Crew:
One class per grade (K-4th) that reads the most minutes wins:
A breakfast party in the Armstrong Cafeteria
Prizes for Fundraising:
​Raise $250
Armstrong Sticker Sheet & Carnival Sugar Shack ticket
Raise $500
$250 level prizes + Color Changing Armstrong Cup
& Cupcake from Susie Cakes
Raise $750
$500 level Prizes +
Pizza from Mimi’s Pizzeria & limited edition book tote
Raise $1,000
$750 level Prizes +Golden Eagle Trophy, Armstrong T-shirt, & Lunch with Principal Cummins
Top fundraiser in each grade:
Applicable prizes above plus a Carnival Fast Pass
​Top 2 fundraisers at Armstrong:
Applicable prizes above plus Carnival MVP with fast pass +Armstrong cap
​Top fundraising Class in Armstrong:
All eligible prizes above plus a Pizza Party!